Cinema 4D R18 - Working with the New Thinfilm Shader

The new Thinfilm shader is a new really colorful addition to materials in Cinema 4D R18. This new shader setting allows you to simulate a thin film on top of a material, which can result in a rainbow oil look, or soap bubbles when created with a transparent material.

The ThinFilm shader can be added with just a few steps, so check out the video above to learn the process to set it up, and be sure to take a look at the screenshots below for some examples on how the new ThinFilm shader can create amazing artwork in Cinema 4D R18.

Completely transparent thinFilm shaders applied to MetaBall Objects

ThinFilm Shader applied on top of a reflective material, combined with Voronoi Fracture

Want to make Lighting & Reflections in Cinema 4D a snap?

Take a look at 360° Environment Maps Pro for Cinema 4D & Cinema 4D Lite to quickly and easily add lighting and rendering options to your scene. You can also save over 25% on bundle packs!

To take a deeper look at new features in Cinema 4D R18, be sure to check out some of these additional articles focusing on other updates and new features for R18:

• Top 5 New Features of R18
• MoGraph updates and new Effectors for R18
• Voronoi Fracture, a New MoGraph Feature
• Inverted Ambient Occlusion
• How to use the new Parallax Bump Map Feature
• Using the new Shadow Catcher for 3D Compositing
• Working with the new Substance Materials Workflow

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