Switch between multiple Cinema 4D Cameras in After Effects using Cineware

Switching between multiple 3D cameras in Cinema 4D or other 3D apps can get tricky. Previously you would need to take the editor approach, either by rendering out all frames of multiple cuts and editing back together, or by exporting an After Effects CC project file. Now with the Cineware Connection in After Effects CC, you can cut between multiple cameras in the same project file quickly and easily. This is one of my favorite features and techniques of using Cineware, and in this Cinema 4D & After Effects CC tutorial video I'll show you how I do it.

Looking for more Tips on Cinema 4D Camera Animation?

Check out Part 1, Cinema 4D Camera Animation Tips, Tricks, and Tags

Check out Part 2 on Cinema 4D Camera Properties

Don't forget Part 3 on Cinema 4D Camera Rigs

And Watch Part 4 on Setting up a Cinema 4D MultiCam Workflow

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