Convert After Effects Text to 3D Text with the Cinema 4D Exporter in After Effects 2015.3

With every update to After Effects CC the past few years, there have continued to be improvements to the connection with Cinema 4D Lite, the free version of Cinema 4D that comes packed with After Effects. In the latest update to After Effects 2015.3, downloadable as of June 2016, a new feature was added to allow you to easily export text created in After Effects to real 3D Cinema 4D text, all through the Cinema 4D exporter. Check out the video above to learn about this awesome new feature!

Want to learn more about Cinema 4D Lite? Check out some of these tutorials:

• Create 3D Titles In After Effects CC Using Cinema 4D Lite

• Use Cinema 4D Lite MoGraph Effectors To Animate 3D Titles

• How To Create A 3D Extruded Logo In Cinema 4D Or Cinema 4D Lite

• Intro to Cinema 4D Lite Materials

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